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Dynamically Created Html table rendering slow for huge records


This is how I am creating my table & rendering into the aspx page after getting the data from from database by ajax call. I checked the stored procedure execution Time which is only 1.5 seconds where table in my page renders about in 7- 8 seconds. I need to optimize the speed. Any suggestion how I can do it?

$.ajax({    method: 'POST',    //async: false,    data: json_data,    dataType: 'json',    url: json_url}).success(function (response) {    if (response.IsError) {        showError('Did not receive values from XRM.');    } else {        var webResponse = response;        var dataSet = webResponse["Orders"];        var statuses = [];        //console.log(dataSet);        if (table_role == 'pending') {            statuses = [                {'id': 39,'name': 'Pending Scheduling','class': 'schedule','color': '#7C44BC','order': 0                },                {'id': 40,'name': 'Pending Screening','class': 'screening','color': '#8e8e00','order': 1                },                {'id': 41,'name': 'Pending Pre-Auth','class': 'preauth','color': '#cc8500','order': 2                },                {'id': 42,'name': 'Ready For Confirmation','class': 'confirm','color': '#cc0070','order': 3                },                {'id': 1,'name': 'Open','class': 'open','color': null,'order': 4                },                {'id': 2,'name': 'New Order','class': 'neworder','color': null,'order': 5                },                {'id': 3,'name': 'Changed','class': 'changed','color': '#cd4e3e','order': 6                },                {'id': 5,'name': 'Approved','class': 'approved','color': '#6aa745','order': 7                },                {'id': 6,'name': 'On Hold','class': 'onhold','color': '#009acd','order': 8                },                {'id': 11,'name': 'In Queue','class': 'queue','color': null,'order': 9                }            ];            // For customers, change labels            if (is_customer) {                statuses[5]['name'] = 'Submitted to SMS';                statuses[9]['name'] = 'Approved';            }        } else if (table_role == 'preauth') {            statuses = [                {'id': 29,'name': 'More Info Needed','class': 'moreinfo','order': 0                },                {'id': 43,'name': 'Phone Order','class': 'phone','order': 1                },                {'id': 30,'name': 'Received Order','class': 'received','order': 2                },                {'id': 31,'name': 'Waiting on Documentation','class': 'waiting','order': 3                },                {'id': 32,'name': 'Courtesy Call Pending','class': 'courtesy-pending','order': 4                },                {'id': 33,'name': 'Courtesy Call Complete','class': 'courtesy-complete','order': 5                },                {'id': 34,'name': 'In Pre-Authorization','class': 'preauth','order': 6                },                {'id': 35,'name': 'Additional Docs Needed','class': 'addtldocs','order': 7                },                {'id': 36,'name': 'Pending Authorization','class': 'pending','order': 8                }            ];        }        // Remove any "sorting" backgrounds from headers        $th.removeClass('otable__sort');        // If no orders available        if ($.isEmptyObject(dataSet)) {            $table.find('.otable__empty').css('display', 'table-cell');        } else {            // Loop through orders            $.each(dataSet, function (key, value) {                if (table_role == 'pending') {                    var id = (value['ID'] == null) ? '' : value['ID'],                        date = (value['ID'] == null) ? '' : value['ExamDate'],                        billing = (value['BillCode'] == null) ? '' : value['BillCode'],                        scanner = (value['ScannerCode'] == null) ? '' : value['ScannerCode'],                        units = (value['Unit'] == null) ? '' : value['Unit'],                        by = (value['EmployeeName'] == null) ? '' : value['EmployeeName'],                        status = value['StatusID'],                        customer = value['Customer'],                        location = '';                    // Build location string                    if (value['Facility']) {                        location += value['Facility'] +'<br>';                    }                    if (value['City'] && value['State']) {                        location += value['City'] +', '+ value['State'];                    }                } else if (table_role == 'preauth') {                    var id = (value['ID'] == null) ? '' : value['ID'],                        poid = (value['POID'] == null) ? '' : value['POID'],                        site = (value['Site'] == null) ? '' : value['Site'],                        patient = (value['PatientName'] == null) ? '' : value['PatientName'],                        insurance_co = (value['InsuranceCo'] == null) ? '' : value['InsuranceCo'],                        received_date = (value['ReceivedDate'] == null) ? '' : value['ReceivedDate'],                        exam_date = (value['ExamDate'] == null) ? '' : value['ExamDate'],                        updated_date = (value['UpdatedDate'] == null) ? '' : value['UpdatedDate'],                        status = value['StatusID'],                        priority = (value['Priority'] == null) ? 0 : value['Priority'],                        custid = (value['custID'] == null) ? '' : value['custID'];                }                // Find status from ID                var object = $.grep(statuses, function (element, index) {                    return element['id'] == status;                });                object = object[0];                // Get status name                var status_name = object['name'],                    status_pos = object['order'],                    status_class = object['class'],                    datestring = '',                    received_datestring = '',                    exam_datestring = '',                    updated_datestring = '';                // Build date strings                if (date) {                    datestring = splitDate(date);                }                if (received_date) {                    received_datestring = splitDate(received_date);                }                if (exam_date) {                    exam_datestring = splitDate(exam_date);                }                if (updated_date) {                    updated_datestring = splitDate(updated_date);                }                // Build Time strings                if (updated_date) {                    updated_timestring = splitTime(updated_date);                }                else {                    updated_timestring = '';                }                // Convert priority for sorting                var priority_order;                if (priority) {                    if (priority == 0) {                        priority_order = 2;                    } else if (priority == 5) {                        priority_order = 1;                    } else if (priority == 10) {                        priority_order = 0;                    }                }                // HTML for table row                var $row;                if (table_role == 'pending') {                    if (!is_customer && (is_scheduler || is_retail)) {                        $row = $('<tr class="otable__row otable__row--'+ status_class +'">'+'<td class="otable__id"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ id +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__date" data-sort-value="'+ date +'"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ datestring +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__billing"><a href=#rptPendingGroupByOrder onclick=showDialog(\'/CustomerProfile.aspx?cid='+ customer +'\')>'+ billing +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__scanner"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ scanner +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__loc"><a href=#rptPendingGroupByOrder onclick=showDialog(\'/CustomerProfile.aspx?cid='+ customer +'\')>'+ location +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__units"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ units +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__by"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ by +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__status" data-status-id="'+ status +'" data-sort-value="'+ status_pos +''+ date +'"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ status_name +'</a></td>'+'</tr>');                    } else if (!is_customer && (!is_scheduler || !is_retail)) {                        $row = $('<tr class="otable__row otable__row--">'+'<td class="otable__id"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ id +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__date" data-sort-value="'+ date +'"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ datestring +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__billing"><a href=#rptPendingGroupByOrder onclick=showDialog(\'/CustomerProfile.aspx?cid='+ customer +'\')>'+ billing +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__scanner"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ scanner +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__loc"><a href=#rptPendingGroupByOrder onclick=showDialog(\'/CustomerProfile.aspx?cid='+ customer +'\')>'+ location +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__units"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ units +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__by"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ by +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__status" data-status-id="'+ status +'" data-sort-value="'+ status_pos +''+ date +'"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ status_name +'</a></td>'+'</tr>');                    } else {                        $row = $('<tr class="otable__row otable__row--customer otable__row--'+ status_class +'">'+'<td class="otable__id"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ id +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__date" data-sort-value="'+ date +'"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ datestring +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__units"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ units +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__by"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ by +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__status" data-status-id="'+ status +'" data-sort-value="'+ status_pos +''+ date +'"><a href=/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'>'+ status_name +'</a></td>'+'</tr>');                    }                } else if (table_role == 'preauth') {                    var insurance_sort_val = priority_order;                    if (exam_date && exam_date.indexOf('0001-01-01') < 0) {                        insurance_sort_val = priority_order +''+ exam_date;                    } else if (received_date) {                        // Force items with null exam date to bottom, then sort by received date                        insurance_sort_val = priority_order +' Z '+ received_date;                    }                    $row = $('<tr class="otable__row otable__row--'+ status_class +'">'+'<td class="otable__id"><a href="">'+ id +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__site"><a href="/Customer/FDGOrders.aspx?oid='+ id +'">'+ site +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__by"><a href="">'+ patient +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__insurance otable__priority--'+ priority +'" data-sort-value="'+ insurance_sort_val +'"><a href="">'+ insurance_co +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__date" data-sort-value="'+ received_date +'"><a href="">'+ received_datestring +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__date" data-sort-value="'+ exam_date +'"><a href="">'+ exam_datestring +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__status" data-status-id="'+ status +'" data-sort-value="'+ status_pos +''+ exam_date +'"><a href="">'+ status_name +'</a></td>'+'<td class="otable__date--wide" data-sort-value="'+ updated_date +'"><a href="">'+ updated_datestring +''+ updated_timestring +'</a></td>'+'</tr>');                    $row.find('a').on('click', function (e) {                        if (!$(this).parent('.otable__site').length) {                            e.preventDefault();                            showDialog('/Customer/FDGPatientOrder.aspx?oid='+ id +'&poid='+ poid);                        }                        if ($(this).parent('.otable__site').length) {                            e.preventDefault();                            showDialog('/CustomerProfile.aspx?cid='+ custid);                        }                    });                }                // Append to table body                $table.find('tbody').append($row);            });        }        // Fire event        //$table.trigger('all-rows-added');        //$table.off('all-rows-added');        // Table sorting functionality        if (table_role == 'pending') {            initTableSorting($table, 7);        } else if (table_role == 'preauth') {            initTableSorting($table, 3);        }        // Status filter functionality        var $list = $table.find('.otable__status__list');        // Clear previous filters        $list.find('ul>li:not(:first)').remove();        // Loop through statuses to see which are contained in the table        $.each(statuses, function (key, value) {            if ($table.find('tbody').has('.otable__status[data-status-id="'+ value.id +'"]').length > 0) {                var $li;                if (table_role == 'pending') {                    $li = $('<li>'+'<button data-filter="'+ value.id +'" data-color="'+ value.color +'">'+'<div class="otable__legend"></div>'+                                value.name +'</button>'+'</li>');                } else {                    $li = $('<li>'+'<button data-filter="'+ value.id +'">'+'<div class="otable__legend"></div>'+                                value.name +'</button>'+'</li>');                }                // Add the list item                $li = $li.appendTo($list.find('ul'));                // Set the legend color                var $btn = $li.find('button'),                    filter = $btn.data('filter'),                    color = $btn.data('color');                if (color !== null) {                    $li.find('.otable__legend').css('background', color);                }            }        });        $th.on('click', function (e) {            // Check if main filter is being clicked, otherwise don't sort            if ($list.has(e.target).length > 0) {                var $target = $(e.target).closest('button'),                    filter = $target.data('filter');                // Sort all rows by ascending status                $table.find('th').eq(7).stupidsort('asc');                // Style actively selected item                $list.find('li').removeClass('otable__status__checked');                $target.parent('li').addClass('otable__status__checked');                if (filter == 'all') {                    $table.find('tbody > tr').css('display', 'table-row');                } else {                    $table.find('tbody > tr').css('display', 'none');                    $table.find('tbody > tr').has('.otable__status[data-status-id="'+ filter +'"]').css('display', 'table-row');                }                // Force hide list when option clicked                $list.css({'clip': 'rect(0 0 0 0)','opacity': 0                });                // Restore default behavior once mouse is moved                $table.mousemove(function () {                    $list.removeAttr('style');                });                // Prevent main sorting action                return false;            }        });        // Sticky table header        $table.stickyTableHeaders();        // Remove loading indicator        $table.find('.otable__loading').css('display', 'none');    }}).fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {    var err = textStatus +", "+ error;    console.log("Failed to get XRM initialization values. Message: "+ err);});

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